Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gotta love "turkey day!"

Well lets see where to start this one. It has been a very busy week! Even though there were only two days of school with the kids they were definitely very packed full of activity. Yesterday we had a work day at school and were both able to get a lot done on our rooms which was nice. After that we had a little mishap when we went out to Five Guys for lunch and I went in the bathroom to wash my hands and when I was coming out I hit my ring on the door and bent the band so my diamond was now sitting on its side instead up standing upright. So we then had to make a quick trip out to southpark where we got the band and to make along story short I am ringless for the next week. Along with the topics of rings and the wedding we got a LOT done the other weekend when we went to Jekyll and are excited about the plans for the wedding. James will be updating soon with the pics and to tell you more about our trip!

Today is good ole Thanksgiving and we are going to spend the day at Shelly and Gary's house hanging out with them and eating some turkey of course! This is our 2nd Thanksgiving together and we definitey have had a lot to be thankful for in the last year. I am VERY thankful for the fact that James was able to move out here and that we have learned so many new things about each other after living together. I look forward to seeing where we will be at as man and wife by our 3rd Thanksgiving next year! I'm also very thankful for our health and the fact that (besides a few colds here and there) we have been lucky enough to stay away from any sickness. Last but of course not least I am thankful for my family and the way that they have been there for me in everything that I do in my life...many of you have heard me say how truly lucky I think I am for the family that I have and how wonderful they are. I have to admit that part of me is sad that I don't get to see Mom and Dad and Eric this year but I know it's hard with them all so far away! Which by the way if you haven't checked out Mom's blog of the trip you definitely should at because it is very neat!

Well I guess I will close this out so that we can get ready to head out for the day. I hope that everyone has a truly blessed and wonderful Thanksgivng and that you all find some great deals shopping tomorrow (yes, James and I are heading out at 1am for his first "black Friday" experience)! We will update later with some pictures from today as we seem to have lost the cord to our camera when AJ decided to eat it for dinner the other night! Ahhh the joys of puppies!


The Hines Family said...

Happy Thanksgiving! :-)

Matt said...

Anytime you are lonely...just know you have me :) Love ya, Kid!