Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Year Already?

"To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and to be loved is everything"
~Claire Dempsey

Today is mine and James's one year anniversary of being engaged! Who knew that a year could fly by so quickly. He took me out to dinner last night to celebrate at O'Charley's since neither one of us could go this evening. We got to talking about our favorite memories since we got engaged and I said that one of my favorite was just being able to call everyone that night and share the news and also getting to tell everyone at school the next day was fun as well! James said that his favorite moment would definitely be buying our house which has been a huge part of starting our new life together!

James also surprised me tonight by coming home from our school play and knocking on the door. When I came to answer the door he had a dozen beautiful roses and a new wind chime to put outside our house...what a sweetie pie!


Anonymous said...

I can't help but notice you didn't mention in your blog that you become an Aunt. Hmmm..I think I will keep this between you and I and not let Lil' Gracie know! tee hee miss ya!

Vickie said...

Your blog is beautiful!

It is so fun to be able to see you all in a different light! What you have done with your house is great. We are so glad to have you as "practically neighbors." Once school is out (4 days) we would love to have you join us for dinner!

See you soon.