Thursday, September 18, 2008

Scuba Adventure #1

Well James and I had our first scuba adventure in the water this past Saturday and we really enjoyed ourselves. We were both a little anxious to actually get in the water and see what it is like to breathe under water. Well after the joys of figuring out how to get that big ole tank on our back and those flippers on our feet it seemed like the swimming was the easy part! We didn't do a whole lot this trip just did a lot of swimming around under the water to get used to breathing with the tank and also to learn how to equalize our bodies with the pressure under water. I think this was probably what we had the hardest time with since you are supposed to keep breathing at all times and also pop your ears while swimming but we will get it! We also got to learn the skill of clearing your mask while under water if it gets a leak of water in this and needless to say I ended up with a pool in my mask before finally figuring out how to do it! It definitely took me a lot longer then James to get that one right and we'll see if I can remember what to do when I have to try it again this weekend! Needless to say our first scuba experience was a success and it left us wanting more and looking forward to our next trip to the pool this weekend!

James getting ready for his first dip in the water!

We made it and still have a smile on our faces!

Other then that this seems to be an incredibly slow week so far and we are definitely ready for Friday night to get here. I had my teacher of the year observation and interview yesterday where my class put on a play of "The Little Red Hen" and then after reading and acting out the story we put on our "chef hats" that we made and we baked bread in our classroom! It all went really well and was a lot of fun even though I didn't win. Last night we had our first meeting with our new small group from our church that we have been going to. It was pretty fun and we got to meet a few new people which it will be nice to have some more familiar faces when we go to church on Sundays! We also have had some very unwated visitors in our kitchen this week (fruit flies) and we have been trying very hard to get rid of them. We happened to have the exterminator coming over tonight to do our termite update so he went ahead and smoked the house out for us so needless to say we had to take AJ and vacate the house for a bit so that is always fun! Luckily we have a great friend down the street that we hung out with for a bit while we waited...thanks Sally! Well i'm off for now and hopefully I will have some more exciting scuba news to post after our next session this weekend!


Anonymous said...
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The Hines Family said...! Not fruit flies!

So fun to hear about scuba diving! And glad your teacher of the year lesson went well. :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment on our post-we did have a good time. Scuba diving looks fun :) Remember that you are teacher of the year to your students!
1 more week :) Yeah!!