Friday, August 21, 2009

Dr. Brown

Well I realized it has been WAY to long since we have updated the blog...since we started school James and I have been very busy getting back into the swing of things and we have also both been sick with the flu in the past two weeks so that was no fun to say the least. 

I wanted to send some props out to my wonderful husband though to let everyone know that he has officially been accepted into the doctorate program at University of Pheonix.  I am VERY proud of him to say the least for what he is doing to better himself and our future family!  It's going to be a busy few years with us both in school but it will definitely be worth it in the long run!

In other news we have decided to take a "mini vacation" this weekend to Virginia Beach.  I surprised James with some tickets to a Creed concert that we are going to tomorrow night and we are excited to hang out on the boardwalk as well!  We will be taking lots of pictures and I will update when we get home to let everyone know how our trip went!  Hope everyone is doing well and I will try to update more soon!


The Hines Family said...

Congratulations, Dr. Brown!! :-)

Hope you are having fun this weekend! :-)