Saturday, November 8, 2008

Interesting Election Thoughts

OK so I am up this morning and one of the first things I am doing (just like many mornings) is checking blog updates.  I guess I just like to start my day with some new information!  I was reading my pastor's blog and under his comments about the election he referred to another one of his pastor friends J.D. Greear and I just found some of the things that he said to be right on with the what I think we need to do as a country now so I wanted to share them as well.  If you want to visit either blog you can click on the link or click on the link of the right side of our blog to visit our pastor's blog.

Whether you personally like it or not, Barak Obama is our president now.  As such, he deserves the prayer, support and respect due to someone in that office.  Paul commands us to honor and serve our rulers as the ministers of God (so far, of course, as conscience allows).  Speaking disrespectfully of them is an offense against God and a bad testimony to the name of Christ.  (1 Peter 2; Romans 13).  He is our president and he has my prayer and respectful support.  
Our citizenship as Christians is not in the United States of America, but in heaven.  Our hopes and our loyalties lie first and foremost there.

Just thought i'd share...hope everyone is having a great weekend.  We arrived safely in TN last night and are getting ready to head to the UT game today...I'm sure I will have some pics to update with from the game!