Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

Our cute little halloween pooch!

Here are a few pictures from our Halloween last night. We ended up having a busy afternoon as soon as we left school! We came home and had a heating company here working on installing our gas fireplace (which hopefully will be inspected and running soon) and then ordered pizza to get ready for some trick or treaters! We had about 50 kids or so come to our house. Quite a few of them were kids that either James or I know from school and it was neat to see them all dressed up and to know that they made a special trip to come to our house! Here are some pictures of our pumpkins that we carved for the front porch. James and I didn't dress up but AJ sure did make a great pumpkin, didn't he? Surprisingly enough he actually didn't mind having the costume on for a while...but then he started to tear it off as expected but atleast it lasted a little while...maybe he will like it more next year!

Carving the pumpkins on our back porch

James holding the cut out of the "Power T"

So I was trying to make a scary pumpkin...but I think he turned out kinda cute instead!

The glowing Power T!
Doesn't AJ look happy in his costume??


The Hines Family said...

AJ is such a cute little pumpkin! :-)

And you guys have mad pumpkin carving skills! :-)

Just1Jesus said...

That settles it.... Jacob is getting dressed up for Christmas, and I shall use this photo of your very cute pooch to persuade him!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, I am commenting. But not about any of the pictures. I just think it is so funny when I call a school and my contact person is out for the day but they say she is Absent! It cracks me up, like you teachers are little kids!!